Friday 26 April 2024



The Trial Santa Fe-La Granada will live the first edition on Sunday October 8

On Sunday October 8, at five in the afternoon will be held the first edition of the Trial Santa Fe-La Granada, an athletic test of character of solidarity organised jointly by the city councils of the two municipalities.



men is 830 meters and metal painted 1,22 D , with exit to the stairs of the Church of Santa Fe and arrival at the castle of the Granada after passing by the historic path of the coasts, historically and recently that joins both towns. The route will be in collaboration with the groups of the hell of both municipalities to make the passage of the participants.

The registration price is the donation of a bottle of oil of one liter that will go to the Food Bank. Registrations are now open and you can register to the two Councils in Office hours or to their respective websites: and; si bé s’haurà de completar el mateix dia de la prova quan es faci la donació de l’ampolla d’oli, mateix moment en què se’ls facilitarà l’horari individual de sortida. Les inscripcions online es tancaran el divendres 6 d’octubre i també se’n podran fer de presencials el mateix dia de la prova entre les 16h i les 16:30. Per tal de tenir una bona previsió i poder desenvolupar el certamen de la millor manera possible, l’organització fa una crida a que tothom qui vulgui participar, ja sigui a la cronoescalada o a la caminada, s’inscrigui prèviament.

Depending on the number of participants, the output of each runner will be made every minute, every half minute or every 20 seconds. Once you have left the last of the participants of the trial there will be a joint, open to all ages, for those who want to make the journey on foot and to collaborate also with the cause of solidarity. Once the walkers arrive at the castle there will be a popular snack and delivery of trophies of the trial.

On when the awards, there will be a podium all masculine and feminine as well as trophies to the top male and female finishers in the following categories: local (Santa Fe or the Granada), U18 (born 1999 or later), senior (born between 1977 and 1998) and veteran ( born in 1976 or earlier).

The trial is included in the programme of activities of the party of Most of the Granada and the Festa Major de Santa Fe del Penedès.