Saturday 20 April 2024

Aquesta revetlla de Sant Joan, vine al sopar popular de la Granada!

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Aquesta revetlla de Sant Joan, vine al sopar popular de la Granada!

🎉 Un any més, per celebrar la revetlla de Sant Joan hi haurà un sopar popular a l’esplanada del Centre Cívic. També hi haurà una gran foguera, encesa amb la flama del Canigó! 🎶 A les 11 de la nit hi haurà un concert amb el grup Trifàsic. 🥪 Tothom qui vingu


Open until June 15 the deadline to participate in the project "Comerç 21"

The Consell Comarcal de l'Alt Penedès and the City Council of Vilafranca have opened the period of participation of shops, services and market stalls that want to present themselves to this program The Comerç 21 Project is promoted by the Management of Commerce Services of the Diputació de B


On May 15th the registration period for the Music School ends

Until June 15, registration for the 2022-2023 academic year can be processed electronically The Alt Penedès Music School brings musical training to the medium and small municipalities of the region. The educational offer of EMAP includes different programs for children (from 3 years old) and end


On 14 June, ordinary plenary session

El proper 14 de juny de 2022, a dos quarts de nou del vespre, hi ha sessió plenària ordinària de l’Ajuntament de la Granada. Podeu consultar-ne l’ordre del dia en aquest enllaç.  


The Youth Rental Voucher can be requested from June 8

The Young Rental Voucher is a grant of 250 euros per month for 2 years to help young people pay the rent. To be eligible for the grant, you must be registered in the house or leased or ceded room, have a regular source of income and not owe any monthly rent, enter

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